Invitation to ASEM High-Level Forum

ASEM High-Level Forum on Digital Connectivity
Unleashing Potential for Innovative Growth
ASEM High-Level Forum - Tentative Programme
Registration Form
concept paper

Tentative Programme

18 June 2017 (Sunday)
All day Arrival of Delegates
09:30 Optional Field Trip*

19 June 2017 (Monday)
08:00 Registration
09:30-10:30 Opening Ceremony (Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Qingdao Shangri-La Hotel)
MC: Yin Zonghua, Deputy Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of
International Trade (CCPIT)
Speech: JIANG Zengwei, Chairman of CCPIT
Welcome Remarks: Governor of Shandong Province
Speeches: High-Level Representatives from Co-Sponsors
Keynote Speech: ... from the State Council of China (TBC)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Plenary Session: Digital Connectivity - Unleashing Potential for
Innovative Growth
Moderator: Yu Jianlong, Secretary-General of China Chamber of International
Commerce (CCOIC)

As of 25 April 2017
Keynote Speeches by government officials(2) and entrepreneurs from ASEM
partners (2)as well as international organization representative(1)
12:15 Buffet Lunch (Ballroom, 3rd Floor, Qingdao Shangri-La Hotel)
14:00-15:30 Session I: IT Industry Cooperation and Development
As the cost of data collection, storage, and processing continue to decline dramatically
and computing power increases, social and economic activities are increasingly
migrating to the internet. The rapid development and application of technologies such
as big data, cloud computing and internet of things not only contributes to the
national productivity, but also facilitates communication between nations and
stimulates social and economic development. Meanwhile, adoptions and use of
emerging information technologies and services vary among different countries in
Asian and Europe. Barriers to the access and effective use of technologies that many
ASEM members face typically include some combination of a lack of high-quality and
affordable infrastructure; a lack of trust in digital technologies and activities; a
shortage of the skills needed to succeed in the digital economies; incomplete credit
system on internet; high costs and poor access to financing for smaller firms; barriers
to the reallocation of resources across firms and sector and a lack of interoperability
of standards. In addition, traditional manufacturing companies are looking for new
models to integrate IT application into traditional production.
This session will discuss current status, experience and cooperative directions of IT
industry, IT industry development and copyright protection, Internet of
Things/Internet of Vehicles, internet and finance, next generation of Internet and
electric power development, Smart City building, shared economy - integrated
development of IT industry and traditional industries and etc.
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session II: Digital Infrastructure Construction
As major economies have experienced an increasing level of digitalization, the
development of digital economy has played an important role in driving global
economic growth. According to a WEF report (2016), 1/5 of the global GDP was
generated from skills, capitals, products and services that were linked to digital
economy. Digital infrastructures provide the foundation for many new technologies,
services, applications and business models. It is essential that Asian and European
economies continually invest in digital infrastructure. Challenges to digital
infrastructure investment include geographic differences, regulatory uncertainty, high
capital expenditure, and etc..
This session will discuss current development, characteristics and cooperative visions
of the construction of digital infrastructure, case study on digital infrastructure
investment, construction of telecommunication network (cross-border cables),
market operation of digital infrastructure, digital infrastructure and 5G network,
financing of digital infrastructure and etc.
18:00 Reception and Dinner (Ballroom, 3rd Floor, Qingdao Shangri-La Hotel)

20 June 2017 (Tuesday)
09:00-10:30 Session III: Cross-Border E-commerce
Cross border eTrade is proving to be a game changer for companies especially SMEs
(Small and Medium Enterprises) to participate in global value chains. According to
the Global Cross Border B2C Electronic Trade Market Report jointly published by
Accenture and the Alibaba Group, the value of the global cross border B2C electronic
trade market will grow from US$ 230 billion in 2014 to US$ 994 billion in 2020,
accounting for 29.3% of the global B2C electronic trade market and 13.9% of global
consumer goods trade. Compounded growth rate for cross border electronic trade is
projected to be 27.3% during the period of 2014 – 2020, twice that of the national
electronic trade market, and more than 3 times the growth of global consumer goods
This session will discuss trends of cross-border e-commerce, internet upgrading and
new opportunities for cross-border e-commerce, effective methods to simplify goods
imports-exports and transit procedures such as “single window”, payment and
clearing, rights and interests protection, business cooperation in cross-border
e-commerce and etc.
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:15 Session IV: Big Data and Industry Upgrading
Digitalization is redefining the boundaries of industries, so many countries are
seeking for opportunities brought about by a new era of digitalization. Traditional
industrialized economies as well as emerging economies all eye for the synergy
between big data and manufacturing, embodied in German “Industry 4.0”, “Made in
China 2025”, and “Europe 2020”, among others. It will lead to innovative production
methods and productivity growth in the traditional industries by integrating mobile
internet, big data, cloud computing and internet of things, promoting extensive
application of information technologies and artificial intelligence technologies, and
establishing an integrated internet-physical production system that enables
communication between intelligent production equipment.
This session will discuss intelligent manufacturing in Asia and Europe, big data for
small and medium enterprises, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and service robot industry,
security issues of big data, future of big data and cloud computing and etc.
12:15-12:45 Closing Ceremony (Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Qingdao Shangri-La Hotel)
Moderators of the four sessions report to the plenary on the discussion.
Adoption of the outcome document (TBC)
Closing Remarks by officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, CCPIT and
13:00 Buffet Lunch (Ballroom, 3rd Floor, Qingdao Shangri-La Hotel)
*Optional Field Trip: Visits will be arranged to Qingdao Hi-tech Development Zone, West Coast New
District, Blue Silicon Valley, Sino-German Ecological Park, Haier Group, Hisense Group, Red Collar
Group and etc.